As a member, you have a voice in this financial institution’s decisions. Exercise your right and mark your calendar to attend our 67th Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 26 at 5 p.m. in the Community Room of our corporate offices at One Travis Way in Vacaville.
We have a full agenda scheduled including a review of our 2017 accomplishments and a look at goals for 2018. You’ll also have an opportunity to meet and mingle with our President & Chief Executive Officer Barry Nelson, his senior leadership team, the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee members.
Come and learn more about how we’re elevating the member experience and what that means for you.
We look forward to seeing you!
RSVP for the Annual Meeting
Attend our Community Meeting in Atwater
If you’re in the Atwater or Merced area, we invite you to attend our Central Valley Meeting on Tuesday, May 15, from 6-7 p.m. at the Castle Air Museum, 5050 Santa Fe Drive in Atwater. Travis Credit Union President & Chief Executive Officer Barry Nelson will review items discussed at the 67th Annual Meeting, as well as information pertaining to our branches in the Merced and Atwater areas.
See you there!
RSVP for the Central Valley Meeting